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Recipe serves: 4 to 6
Preparation time 30 min
Cooking time 30 min


• 1kg-1.3kg broiler-fryer chicken,
• 2 tablespoons melted butter http://admaster.union.ucweb.com/appwall/applist.html?pub=shipw@recipeske blended
with 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
• Salt and freshly ground pepper
• 2 teaspoons dried thyme or herb
• 2 Royco Beef Cubes

For the deglazing sauce:

• 1 tablespoon minced shallot or scallion
• 1 cup chicken broth and/or dry white
wine or vermouth
• 1 to 2 tablespoons butter, for


1. To Butterfly a Chicken: With
heavy shears or a cleaver,
cut down close to the
backbone on each side, and
remove the bone.
2. Spread the chicken open,
skin side up, and pound on
the breast with your fist to
flatten the chicken. Cut off
and discard the little nubbins
at the wing elbows, and fold
the wings akimbo. To hold
the legs in place, make 1-
inch slits in the skin on each
side of the lower breast and
tuck the drumstick ends
through the slits.
3. Preheat the broiler to high.
4. hicken all over with butter
and oil and arrange it http://admaster.union.ucweb.com/appwall/applist.html?pub=shipw@recipeske skin
side down in a shallow pan.
5. Set it under the broiler so
the chicken surface is about
6 inches from the heat
source. Let broil for about 5
minutes, then baste rapidly
with the butter and oil, and
continue for another 5
minutes. The surface should
be browning nicely; if not,
adjust the heat or the
distance of chicken from
broiler. Baste again, this time
with the juices accumulated
in the pan, and broil another
5 minutes. Then season with
salt and pepper, turn the
chicken skin side up, and
season the surface. Continue
broiling and basting with the
pan juices every 5 minutes
for another 10 to 15 minutes,
until the chicken is done
6. Remove the chicken to a
carving board and let it rest
for 5 minutes.
7. Meanwhile, make the
deglazing sauce by first
spooning cooking fat off the
juices in the pan.
8. Then stir the shallot into the
pan and simmer for a
minute or so on top of the
stove, until the juices are
9. Swirl in the enrichment
butter, pour over http://admaster.union.ucweb.com/appwall/applist.html?pub=shipw@recipeske the
chicken, and serve.


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